COP28: The African group negociators raise its voice and underlines its priorities before the end of negociations.
By Prosper HERI NGORORA, 10 December 2023.
The 28th UN climate change conference is ongoing in Dubai and negociations are in their last phases.
The African group negociators on climate change doesn’t want to waste time as two days left before the conference takes an end as planned.
“We reaffirm our support to the process so that we arrive at a meaningful and ambitious outcome here at COP28” says a press statement, delivered by Collins Nzovu, Minister of Green Economy and Environment of Zambia as Chair of the African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN).
The statement claims climate justice towards African countries particularly: “ For us, as the African Group, we came here focused and determined to ensure that COP28 delivers a fair and balanced Global Stocktake that catalyses greater ambition across all elements of climate action, i.e. adaptation, loss and damage, mitigation and means of implementation centered on equity; a Just Transition work programme aimed at promoting sustainable development; and climate finance where developed countries make meaningful financial commitments, both in quality and quantity, based on their obligations under the climate convention as well as the Paris Agreement” adds Collins Nzovu in that press statement, reminding that they expect COP28 to result in tangible outcomes which reflect Africa’s aspirations, especially on the need for enhanced climate adaptation.
The African group negociators on climate change reveals some decisions which have to be reached at COP28; among others finance and adaptation, loss and damage, finance, just transition pathways; adding that adaptation is a matter of survival in Africa.
“Amid all the summits and meetings taking place to discuss this issue, what Africans need to see is action to help us adapt to this changing climate. How are we to cope with the persistent droughts, the devastating storms and rising seas which threaten our very lives and livelihoods?” pursues the press statement of African negociators.
Global goal on adaptation is most valuable for Africa, but if…
The AGN does no want to go equivocally is defending African interests at those tough climate negociations taking place in Dubai.
Efforts have to be done by parties in order to make Africa withstand with climate chocks as it’s not a great emitter of greenhouse gas.
“COP28 is mandated to complete the work undertaken for the past two years under the Global Goal on Adaptation, by launching a robust framework on the GGA. The outcome of the GGA is the most important outcome for Africa at COP28, without which we would consider COP28 a failure” concludes the document consulted by Endelevu.rdc-info this Sunday 10 December 2023.
On the other hand, Fadhel Kaboub, head of Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity and associate professor of economics at Denison University in USA urges the AGN to form a common and solid front so that they will be heard.
“The COP28 negotiations are stalling on the usual sticky points between the historic polluters who are responsible for climate change and Global South countries who are on the front line of climate change. The AGN group needs to unite with the V20, the LDC Group, and the SIDS to build an indivisible Global South united front to demand meaningful and enforceable progress on climate finance, adaptation, and just transition” he analyzes.
The negociations at COP28 are in a high-pressure situation with divisions ongoing and time running out.
The African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN) is a technical body of the three-tier African negotiating structure that engages in the technical negotiations during the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) and the intersessional negotiations on Climate Change.
It was established in 1995 with the objective of representing the interests of Africa in the international climate change negotiations, with a common and unified voice.
This story was produced with the support from MESHA and IDRC Eastern and Southern Office for Science journalists reporting on COP28.